Also see: Difference Between Thusness Stage 4 and 5 (Substantial Non-duality vs Anatta)
Differentiating I AM, One Mind, No Mind and Anatta
No Mind and Anatta, Focusing on Insight
Someone asked, "What is the main difference between I Am and 'I Am Everything' when it comes to end of sense of separateness(experience of oneness)? Does nondual manifest in the I Am stage ?"
Let me quote from Thusness conversations back in 2007:
(10:46 PM) Thusness: first is the experience of "I AMness"
(10:47 PM) Thusness: and the fusing of things into I.
(10:47 PM) Thusness: now what is the major difference between 1,2,3,4,5 and 6?
(10:48 PM) AEN: back
(10:48 PM) AEN: hmm
(10:49 PM) AEN: stage 1 is like u said lor.. a dot in the center
(10:49 PM) AEN: lol
(10:49 PM) Thusness: no good...
(10:49 PM) Thusness: everything i said is all related in all those 6 stages....
(10:50 PM) Thusness: and everything till now is not beyond that...u will c and witness whatever that i have written are all elaborations of these 6 stages.
(10:50 PM) Thusness: so put them into perspective
(10:50 PM) AEN: icic
(10:50 PM) Thusness: what is the first 2 stages about?
(10:50 PM) AEN: i amness?
(10:51 PM) Thusness: what is "I AMness"?
(10:51 PM) Thusness: what about merging with everything?
(10:52 PM) AEN: a sense of presence, existence, beyond all that is 'experienced'? merging with everything is like experiencing a temporary fusing of presence with everything?
(10:52 PM) Thusness: no good...u have not understood the essence of it
(10:52 PM) Thusness: the first 2 stages are all about Self.
(10:52 PM) Thusness: it is regarding source...
(10:53 PM) Thusness: it is always regarding the subject...
(10:53 PM) AEN: ah yes wanted to write about the subject
(10:53 PM) AEN: then suddenly forgot
(10:53 PM) Thusness: it is advaita vedanta.
(10:53 PM) AEN: lol
(10:53 PM) AEN: icic
(10:53 PM) Thusness: all about sinking back to a source
(10:53 PM) Thusness: 2 stage is like non-dual and sunk back to a source.
(10:54 PM) Thusness: it is always the source...the Self, the background even if u fuse and merge into everything.
(10:54 PM) Thusness: get it?
(10:54 PM) AEN: yea
(10:54 PM) Thusness: what about 3 stage?
(10:54 PM) AEN: trying to get rid of the self to fuse?
(10:54 PM) Thusness: what is the problem?
(10:54 PM) AEN: the nature of awareness is not understood?
(10:55 PM) Thusness: nope....
(10:55 PM) Thusness: it is about bonds
(10:55 PM) AEN: icic
(10:55 PM) Thusness: the 13 yrs are all about understanding bonds...why is there sinking back to a source?
(10:55 PM) Thusness: so it takes 13 years to understand the impact of a bond....
(10:56 PM) Thusness: that is why i said most ppl underestimated the power of the bond.
(10:56 PM) AEN: oic..
(10:56 PM) Thusness: what about the 4th stage?
(10:56 PM) AEN: mirror bright?
(10:56 PM) AEN: awareness reflecting everything?
(10:57 PM) Thusness: yeah but what does not mean and what is the essence and what is the difference between 2 and 4?
(10:57 PM) AEN: stage 2 doesnt know awareness reflects everything every moment?
(10:57 PM) Thusness: nope...
(10:57 PM) AEN: only fusing?
(10:57 PM) AEN: oic
(10:57 PM) Thusness: it is the phenomenon...
(10:57 PM) Thusness: the stress is on phenomenon
(10:58 PM) Thusness: the experience is the 'Presence' but this time it is not "I AM", not "before birth who am i"
(10:58 PM) Thusness: it is the sound
(10:58 PM) Thusness: it is the taste
(10:58 PM) Thusness: it is the scenery
(10:58 PM) Thusness: get it?
(10:58 PM) AEN: yea
(10:58 PM) Thusness: the manifestations
(10:58 PM) AEN: actually stage 2 also rite
(10:58 PM) AEN: fusing
(10:58 PM) Thusness: no no...
(10:59 PM) Thusness: stage 2 is sinking back to a source
(10:59 PM) Thusness: the focus is the source
(10:59 PM) Thusness: get it?
(10:59 PM) AEN: oic then what about the fusing?
(10:59 PM) Thusness: the experience is always the same
(11:00 PM) Thusness: but the emphasis is diff
(11:00 PM) Thusness: 1 and 2 are always about the subject
(11:00 PM) AEN: oic
(11:00 PM) AEN: btw mirror still has a background isnt it?
(11:00 PM) Thusness: and in stage 2 is object merge into subject
(11:00 PM) Thusness: and stay in the subject which is the essence of hinduism
(11:01 PM) Thusness: stage 4 is on object...only on the object
(11:01 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:01 PM) Thusness: like the stage 1 of the source
(11:01 PM) Thusness: stage 5 is non-dual on the object, the background is gone
(11:01 PM) Thusness: it is subject into object
(11:01 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:02 PM) Thusness: only the phenomenon arising
(11:02 PM) AEN: ok but stage 4 u said only object already no subject?
(11:02 PM) Thusness: but stage 4 is like the stage 1 of vedanta
(11:02 PM) AEN: huh
(11:02 PM) Thusness: but this time it is on the object
(11:03 PM) AEN: then isnt it 'subject into object' of stage 5?
(11:03 PM) AEN: ok stage 4 is a background, but this time the background has everything in it?
(11:03 PM) Thusness: that is why i said it is like the stage 1 of "I AMness"
(11:04 PM) Thusness: it is the beginning of entering and realising the object aspect
(11:04 PM) Thusness: "I AMness" is the beginning of experiencing the subject aspect
(11:04 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:04 PM) AEN: icic
(11:04 PM) AEN: i mean whats the diff btwn stage 4 and 5 since its all on object
(11:05 PM) Thusness: stage 4 is the beginning...
(11:05 PM) Thusness: stage 5 is thoroughness
(11:05 PM) Thusness: that is there is realisation of the object
(11:05 PM) Thusness: and the clarity is on the phenomenon
(11:06 PM) Thusness: but the realisation of the non-dual nature of awareness is not there...
(11:06 PM) Thusness: that is there is clarity on the focus of object
(11:06 PM) Thusness: but there is still a background reflecting
(11:06 PM) Thusness: but there is not much sinking back to a source as focus has shifted to the clarity of the phenomenon
(11:07 PM) Thusness: but stage 5 is thorough, only the phenomenon
(11:07 PM) Thusness: the background is gone.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: mind/body drop
(11:07 PM) Thusness: clearly there awareness is the sunny sky, the mountains
(11:07 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:07 PM) AEN: yea
(11:08 PM) Thusness: stage 6 is the non local aspect of awareness and the oneness with conditions
(11:08 PM) Thusness: i called it the emptiness nature.
(11:08 PM) AEN: oic
(11:08 PM) Thusness: that is experiencing the interdependence as non-locality, not bounded in space and time
(11:09 PM) Thusness: this is the non local aspect of awareness
(11:09 PM) AEN: icic
(11:09 PM) Thusness: so all the 6 stages cover the initial experience of subject, the source
(11:10 PM) Thusness: then the non dual experience of subject-object but object into subject
(11:10 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:10 PM) Thusness: that is more like hinduism
(11:10 PM) Thusness: then 3 is the strength of the bond
(11:10 PM) Thusness: 4 is the break-through of presence in seeing phenomenon
(11:11 PM) Thusness: 5 is non-dual of our nature in subject into object
(11:11 PM) Thusness: 6 is non local aspect
(11:11 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:11 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:11 PM) AEN: yea
(11:12 PM) Thusness: most ppl will go through these 6 stages when experiencing awareness
(6:48 PM) Thusness: slowly tell him about stage 1-2 first.
(6:49 PM) Thusness: 1 is to have a direct glimpse of awareness yet still being affected by the propensity of 'I'.
(6:50 PM) Thusness: stage 2 is an experience of its relationship of phenomena and still having the propensity.
(6:50 PM) Thusness: first these 2.
(6:51 PM) Thusness: As long as u caution him that it is not it, it is okie.
Session Start: Wednesday, March 12, 2008
(12:21 PM) AEN: yesterday i had a rather strange experience
(12:21 PM) AEN: quite difficult to describe
(12:22 PM) AEN: feels like fading out of existence... and forcefully 'absorbed' into the surroundings... a bit intense... like as if entering a different state of consciousness
(12:22 PM) AEN: but lasted for a while then returned
(12:23 PM) Thusness: hmm....not a good description.
(12:23 PM) AEN: ya i dunno how to describe
(12:23 PM) AEN: lol
(12:23 PM) AEN: but it was like more intense than the other day
(12:23 PM) Thusness: is there clarity?
(12:23 PM) AEN: ya i think so... just awareness as form
(12:24 PM) Thusness: did u sit?
(12:24 PM) AEN: ya i was sitting
(12:24 PM) Thusness: oh...u open ur eyes. :P
(12:24 PM) AEN: yea i opened my eyes cos i felt a bit tired
(12:24 PM) AEN: lol
(12:25 PM) Thusness: fading out of existence is not a good description then.
(12:25 PM) AEN: isit.. how come
(12:26 PM) Thusness: it is just personality dissolving.
(12:26 PM) AEN: ya i mean not becoming unconscious la
(12:26 PM) AEN: icic
(12:26 PM) Thusness: knowing that u r not body, mind but mere luminosity
(12:27 PM) Thusness: however this is not the body/mind dropped yet.
(12:27 PM) AEN: yea i had a feeling as if my body and mind is dissolving
(12:27 PM) AEN: but im not sure if tats the case
(12:27 PM) Thusness: yet u experienced vividness of forms.
(12:27 PM) AEN: ya
(12:27 PM) Thusness: this is like stage 2.
(12:28 PM) AEN: icic..
(12:28 PM) Thusness: u need to do more summary of what i said.
(12:28 PM) Thusness: about anatta.
(12:28 PM) Thusness: for now, u will not not understand the profound meaning of anatta and emptiness in terms of experience.
(12:28 PM) Thusness: it will only come many many years later.
(12:29 PM) Thusness: but it is sort of advaita vedanta experience.
(10:45 PM) Thusness: stage 1, 2 and 3 are advaita vedanta
(10:46 PM) Thusness: what u experienced is similar to ramana maharishi
(10:46 PM) Thusness: he went through the same question pretending that he is dead.
(10:47 PM) Thusness: a person undergoing stage 1 when he experiences stage 2, he might not know the difference.
(10:47 PM) AEN: how come
(10:47 PM) Thusness: there is no insight into it...
(10:47 PM) Thusness: because of propensities
(10:48 PM) Thusness: he might not be able to see the conditions
(10:48 PM) Thusness: so stage 1 is inner, stage 2 is outer
(10:49 PM) Thusness: but deep in these practitioners, the views are still dual.
(10:52 PM) Thusness: u must also be deeply aware of these tendencies and their strength to blind
(10:53 PM) Thusness: and that is what consciousness is all about.
(10:53 PM) Thusness: luminosity and tendencies and emptiness
(10:53 PM) Thusness: that is all.
(11:03 PM) Thusness: stage 4 is like stage 2 except with insight.
(11:03 PM) Thusness: the pathless is seen.
(11:03 PM) Thusness: it is no more like a stage...but the insight has no deep clarity.
(11:04 PM) Thusness: propensities need to dissolve to quite sufficiently to go into stage 5 as stated in the bahiya sutta.
(11:04 PM) AEN: eckhart tolle is like stage 4?
(11:04 PM) Thusness: that is a deeper insight.
(11:04 PM) AEN: oic
(11:04 PM) Thusness: don't ask me lah
(11:04 PM) AEN: lol
(11:04 PM) Thusness: to stage 2. :P
(11:04 PM) Thusness: but the strength of sustaining is strong.
(11:04 PM) Thusness: tony parsons is stage 4-5.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: jeff foster also.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: observer and observed as one is non-dual experience.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: stage 2 is non-dual.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: but there is no insight of no-self.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: insight is u know and understand the pathless path of no-self.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: u see it although it is pathless.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: u see the path.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: this is due to insight and therefore there is more permanent lucidity.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: stage 2 remains as a stage
(11:06 PM) Thusness: u don't know how to get it.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: don't know when it comes again.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: or the path towards it.
(11:07 PM) AEN: oic ya
(11:07 PM) AEN: haha
(11:07 PM) Thusness: longchen (sim pern chong) knows it.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: but needs to further refine it.
(11:08 PM) Thusness: but penetrating into the deeper depth of non-dual and into anatta.
(11:08 PM) Thusness: as stated in the bahiya sutta.
(11:08 PM) Thusness: then come emptiness.
(11:08 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:08 PM) Thusness: so u understand more about the various stages?
(11:09 PM) AEN: yea
(11:09 PM) Thusness: stage 1 can be very blissful too.
(11:09 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:09 PM) Thusness: when the meditative strength is there.
(11:09 PM) Thusness: but there is no understanding of the 'forms'
(11:09 PM) Thusness: only the pure sense of existence
(11:09 PM) Thusness: in thought realm.
(11:10 PM) Thusness: not in the 'forms'.
(11:10 PM) Thusness: u should know by now.
(11:10 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:10 PM) AEN: yea
(11:11 PM) Thusness: it is difficult for ppl who have no experience to know what i meant.
(11:11 PM) Thusness: but when u have experienced, u will know what i meant.
(6:08 PM) Thusness: yeah...first neither Kevala nor Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi is no-self.
(6:08 PM) AEN: ya
(6:08 PM) Thusness: there are 4 stages of I AMness. :)
(6:08 PM) AEN: 4th is mirror bright?
(6:08 PM) Thusness: nope
(6:08 PM) Thusness: means within I AMness
(6:09 PM) Thusness: there are 4 stages
(6:09 PM) AEN: oic..
(6:09 PM) AEN: wat are the 4 stages
(6:09 PM) Thusness: in 1 and 2
(6:09 PM) Thusness: first one u already know.
(6:09 PM) Thusness: one is I AM as an individual Self...
(6:09 PM) Thusness: one is I AM as an infinite self
(6:09 PM) Thusness: of the first stage.
(6:10 PM) Thusness: that i think longchen already told u and u asked me b4.
(6:10 PM) AEN: I AM of individual is like claudia? I AM of infinite is like what
(6:10 PM) AEN: ask u what
(6:10 PM) Thusness: that is within first stage.
(6:10 PM) Thusness: that is like what longchen told u.
(6:10 PM) AEN: when
(6:10 PM) Thusness: infinite bliss of "I AM"
(6:10 PM) Thusness: he told u when u met up with him.
(11:46 PM) Thusness: Does ken (Ken Wilber) talk about anatta
(11:46 PM) AEN: no
(11:47 PM) Thusness: Or Advaita sort of understanding
(11:47 PM) AEN: advaita (Ken Wilber is at Thusness Stage 4)
(11:47 PM) Thusness: Then y u kept asking me.
(11:47 PM) Thusness: What is anatta?
(11:48 PM) AEN: ya but wat i mean is nondual experience is not as in stage 2 type of passing experience, but as everpresent reality?
(11:48 PM) AEN: anatta is no agent and dependent origination?
(11:48 PM) Thusness: Didn't I tell u understanding non-dual experience as verb. (Soh: refer to my article The Wind is Blowing, Blowing is the Wind)
(11:48 PM) AEN: icic
(11:49 PM) Thusness: Not an entity that is independent and unchanging?
(11:49 PM) AEN: but ken wilber say "You are that, and there is no you – just this entire luminous display spontaneously arising moment to moment. The separate self is nowhere to be found."
(11:50 PM) AEN: *oic
(11:50 PM) Thusness: Non-dual experience is there is clarity of no separation (As in Thusness Stage 4)
(11:51 PM) Thusness: Stage 2 is there is merging
(11:51 PM) Thusness: As if I dissolved and merge..
(11:52 PM) Thusness: There r two, dual
(11:52 PM) Thusness: Non-dual is there never was a separation
(11:52 PM) Thusness: No split
(11:53 PM) Thusness: There is no separate I.
(11:53 PM) Thusness: But this awareness is still very much constant, permanent and unchanging
(11:54 PM) Thusness: Anatta goes further and understand exactly what is non-dual experience
(11:55 PM) Thusness: This is a break-through in insight
(11:55 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:55 PM) AEN: its about discerning it as DO?
(11:55 PM) Thusness: There is thinking, no thinker
(11:55 PM) Thusness: Seen no seer
(11:56 PM) Thusness: Sound no hearer
(11:56 PM) Thusness: Understood becoming no being
(11:57 PM) Thusness: Understand that object@
(11:57 PM) AEN: wat u mean
(11:59 PM) Thusness: Object/subject is the result of compartmentizing 'verb'
(11:59 PM) Thusness: Action
(11:59 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:59 PM) Thusness: Thinking becomes thinker and thoughts
(11:59 PM) Thusness: That is anatta
(12:00 AM) Thusness: It is the direct experience that there is no thinker, just thoughts
(12:01 AM) Thusness: In seeing, always only the seen.
(12:01 AM) AEN: is this wat u mean by nondual yet permanent (for ken wilber):
You are not the one who experiences liberation; you are the clearing, the opening, the emptiness, in which any experience comes and goes, like reflections on the mirror. And you are the mirror, the mirror mind, and not any experienced reflection. But you are not apart from the reflections, standing back and watching. You are everything that is arising moment to moment. You can swallow the whole cosmos in one gulp, it is so small, and you can taste the sky without moving an inch.
(12:01 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:03 AM) Thusness: Yes what I called desync of view and non-dual experience
(12:04 AM) Thusness: When insight arises, there is no desync
(12:05 AM) Thusness: Non-dual experience is clearly understood because there never was one.
(12:05 AM) Thusness: It is always only manifestation
(12:06 AM) AEN: there never was what?
(12:06 AM) Thusness: DO is the operation mechanism of the Transience
(12:06 AM) Thusness: A self
(12:10 AM) Thusness: It is very difficult to have such clarity
(12:11 AM) Thusness: Only Buddha has it
(12:12 AM) Thusness: Even buddhist practitioners have so much mis-conceptions
(12:12 AM) Thusness: They can't see how consistent and precise the teaching is
(12:13 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:14 AM) AEN: btw this is not yet nondual experience rite, more like I AM?:
(12:14 AM) AEN: "the world moves forward as it is..... but instead of seeing the diversity as the ulitmate the One underneath it all is rested in..... Like the ocean reality or maya is simply the surface waves of moving consciousness.... shakti which manifests the underlying Ocean of Consciousness into a limited visible form..... But what is beneath and around and within that form is simply the same consciousness which comprises the Whole of the Ocean.... But in the calm of the depths you know the vastness instead of the limited......"
(12:16 AM) Thusness: Yes
(12:17 AM) Thusness: Under the influence of the 'bond' without knowing it
(12:17 AM) Thusness: Stage 1 to 6 cannot be skipped
(12:17 AM) AEN: wat do u mean
(12:18 AM) Thusness: Best experienced that way.
(12:18 AM) Thusness: A practitioner cannot skip stages
(12:18 AM) AEN: but buddhist path skips some rite
(12:18 AM) AEN: like dharma dan never go through 'i am'
(12:18 AM) Thusness: Yes
(12:19 AM) Thusness: the depth of clarity will not be there
(12:19 AM) Thusness: Like grimnexus see 4 same as 5.
(12:20 AM) Thusness: But a person that undergone knows clearly.
(12:21 AM) AEN: ya he tot its the same
(12:21 AM) AEN: btw grimnexus at stage 4 rite
(12:21 AM) Thusness: Like ken and Ajahn amaro, seems the same but even Ajahn Amaro thought it is the same.
(12:21 AM) AEN: long time nv see him online liao, he like never came online for many months
(12:21 AM) AEN: oic
(12:21 AM) Thusness: Why u worry so much abt others ppl stage?
(12:22 AM) AEN: lol
(12:23 AM) Thusness: Rather pray hard that u will not be misled and go through countless lives of rebirth again
(12:23 AM) Thusness: What u must have is to correctly discern
(12:25 AM) Thusness: If u want to hv clarity of the essence of the six phases, discern and understand correctly.
(12:25 AM) Thusness: What if I m no more around?
(12:26 AM) Thusness: If Ajahn Amaro cannot know the diff, much less is others
(12:26 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:26 AM) AEN: dharma dan leh
(12:26 AM) Thusness: Rather ask urself have u correctly understood then abt others
(12:27 AM) Thusness: How I know?
(12:27 AM) Thusness: U kept asking abt others, I worry more abt u.
(12:28 AM) Thusness: If u know, u will be able to know r they there.
(12:29 AM) Thusness: Like ken and Ajahn Amaro clearly have same experience but different understanding
(12:29 AM) Thusness: David loy treat them the same too.
(12:29 AM) Thusness: Not realizing the differences
(12:30 AM) Thusness: So have the right understanding
(12:31 AM) Thusness: One is abiding, the other is non-abiding
(12:32 AM) Thusness: One is still efforting, the other is effortless
(12:33 AM) Thusness: One is Brahman, the other is DO
(12:34 AM) Thusness: One is mirror, the other is pure manifestation
(12:36 AM) Thusness: 'Self' is grasped unknowingly because it is independent, changeless
(12:36 AM) Thusness: Therefore they can't treasure the Transience
(12:37 AM) Thusness: They can't c conditions
(12:37 AM) Thusness: The Transience and conditions are most sacred
(12:38 AM) Thusness: How can Self c this?
(12:39 AM) Thusness: But one must know the emptiness nature of Transience, unfindable and ungraspable
(12:39 AM) Thusness: And rises when condition is
(12:40 AM) Thusness: When we say attributes, we r referring to the empty nature of awareness
(12:41 AM) AEN: wat u mean
(12:41 AM) Thusness: But awareness is full of colors
(12:41 AM) AEN: u mean attributelessness?
(12:41 AM) AEN: icic
(12:41 AM) Thusness: Like 'redness' of a flower
(12:42 AM) Thusness: But to advaitins, it is absence
(12:42 AM) Thusness: Nothing to do with awareness
(12:43 AM) AEN: u mean they see awareness as formless?
(12:43 AM) Thusness: yes
(12:44 AM) Thusness: Means absence of attributes as colorless, formless
(12:44 AM) Thusness: But what buddhism is referring is its emptiness nature
(12:45 AM) Thusness: Not that there is a real formless entity
(12:45 AM) Thusness: Awareness is appearances appearing when condition is
(12:46 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:46 AM) Thusness: awareness is not free of thoughts
(12:46 AM) Thusness: To advaitins, it is.
(12:47 AM) Thusness: To buddhist practitioner, thought is awareness
(12:48 AM) Thusness: One thought arises
(12:48 AM) Thusness: Next one
(12:48 AM) Thusness: Like what Ajahn Amaro said
(12:48 AM) Thusness: There is no worry abt no thought, no conceptuality
(12:49 AM) Thusness: All will be experienced in their most vivid forms
(12:49 AM) Thusness: I got to go now.
(12:49 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:49 AM) AEN: ok gd nite
(12:49 AM) Thusness: Nite
(10:11 PM) Thusness: 1-2 are non dual experience
(10:11 PM) Thusness: 3 is dropping
(10:12 PM) Thusness: 5-6 is non-dual insight
(2:01 PM) AEN: btw i dun really understand. is john wheeler's realisation about impersonality or is it about no-self and whats the diff
(2:21 PM) Thusness: John wheeler realized certain aspect of no-self
(2:21 PM) Thusness: Not anatta but close to phase 4
(2:22 PM) Thusness: The sense of dualism is still there
(2:22 PM) Thusness: Because he will not be able to integrate the transient
(2:23 PM) Thusness: He can however realize he is lived by a greater life
(2:24 PM) AEN: icic.. is that what u mean by feeling God
(2:24 PM) Thusness: All manifestations is the doing of this One life
(2:24 PM) AEN: oic..
(2:25 PM) AEN: eckhart tolle said "Many expressions that are in common usage, and sometimes the structure of language itself, reveal the fact that people don't know who they are. You say: "He lost his life" or "my life," as if life were something that you can possess or lose. The truth is: you don't have a life, you are life. The One Life, the one consciousness that pervades the entire universe and takes temporary form to experience itself as a stone or blade of grass, as an animal, a person, a star or a galaxy.
Can you sense deep within that you already know that? Can you sense that you already are That?"
(2:25 PM) Thusness: This One Life is same to u as well as me.
(2:26 PM) Thusness: This is a very subtle extrapolation
(2:27 PM) Thusness: But experientially it does appears so
(2:28 PM) Thusness: It has a lot to do with the spontaneous arising and impersonality (deconstruction of personality)
(2:29 PM) AEN: oic..
(2:31 PM) Thusness: Therefore when one focus and refine the 4 aspects i spoke abt without even arising the insight of non-dual, one can still lead to such an experience
This is stage 2
(2:31 PM) Thusness: Get it?
(2:31 PM) AEN: ya think so
(2:32 PM) AEN: so stage 2 is related to impersonality?
(2:33 PM) Thusness: Further to that one will want to penetrate into 3.
(2:34 PM) AEN: oic..
(2:34 PM) Thusness: Re-read phase one to 3
(2:34 PM) AEN: ok
(2:35 PM) Thusness: Phase 4 is strictly non-dual
(2:35 PM) Thusness: Though non-dual still having inherent view
(2:37 PM) Thusness: So a practitioner still does not see the truth of the relative
The absolute still seem special
(2:37 PM) AEN: icic..
(2:38 PM) Thusness: That is One Mind
(2:40 PM) AEN: The "vision" of truth appears new because it was not noticed before. Whatever we are and the world is, is already the fact. There is no attainment involved in being what you are. That is the constant space of life, awareness or being in which all appears. It includes silence and sound, activity and stillness, form and emptiness, knowledge and ignorance, and all other dualities and opposites. Your natural condition is not a state within the appearances but the spacious heart of reality which contains and embraces them all. It is like a bright mirror in which diverse reflections rise and set. The mirror remains as it is and bears no relation to the presence or absence of its reflections. The mirror cannot be limited by or identified with any of the reflections appearing in it, nor does it grasp or resist them. For their part, the reflections have no substance or independent nature apart from the mirror. In the same way, all that is, was or ever will be is contained in the timeless light of your true nature. The strange and wonderful thing is that this has always been so.
If this is not noticed, it gets pointed out and recognized, and the true perspective is restored. It is as simple as that. - john wheeler
this is like One Mind?
(2:47 PM) Thusness: In phase 4, a practitioner will be obsessed with this substratum in a non-dual context.
(2:51 PM) Thusness: U must understand phase 5-7 is refining the insight of the same experience of 4
(2:56 PM) Thusness: U so clearly see that non-dual is implicit as there never is any agent apart from the ongoing phenomenality
(2:57 PM) Thusness: Then u realized the true meaning of anatta and emptiness
(2:57 PM) Thusness: And move from disassociation to self liberation
(3:00 PM) Thusness: Seems like talking to different practitioners help u understand the 7 phases but don't make it as an absolute model.
2014, on Stage 2:
It is bringing this I M into everything. I M the I in u. The I in the cat, the I in the bird. I M the first person in everyone and Everything. I.
John TanFriday, February 21, 2014 at 9:36pm UTC+08
I m the phase.
John TanFriday, February 21, 2014 at 9:36pm UTC+08
That is my second phase.
John TanFriday, February 21, 2014 at 9:37pm UTC+08
That the I is ultimate and universal.
Differentiating I AM, One Mind, No Mind and Anatta
No Mind and Anatta, Focusing on Insight
Someone asked, "What is the main difference between I Am and 'I Am Everything' when it comes to end of sense of separateness(experience of oneness)? Does nondual manifest in the I Am stage ?"
Let me quote from Thusness conversations back in 2007:
(10:46 PM) Thusness: first is the experience of "I AMness"
(10:47 PM) Thusness: and the fusing of things into I.
(10:47 PM) Thusness: now what is the major difference between 1,2,3,4,5 and 6?
(10:48 PM) AEN: back
(10:48 PM) AEN: hmm
(10:49 PM) AEN: stage 1 is like u said lor.. a dot in the center
(10:49 PM) AEN: lol
(10:49 PM) Thusness: no good...
(10:49 PM) Thusness: everything i said is all related in all those 6 stages....
(10:50 PM) Thusness: and everything till now is not beyond that...u will c and witness whatever that i have written are all elaborations of these 6 stages.
(10:50 PM) Thusness: so put them into perspective
(10:50 PM) AEN: icic
(10:50 PM) Thusness: what is the first 2 stages about?
(10:50 PM) AEN: i amness?
(10:51 PM) Thusness: what is "I AMness"?
(10:51 PM) Thusness: what about merging with everything?
(10:52 PM) AEN: a sense of presence, existence, beyond all that is 'experienced'? merging with everything is like experiencing a temporary fusing of presence with everything?
(10:52 PM) Thusness: no good...u have not understood the essence of it
(10:52 PM) Thusness: the first 2 stages are all about Self.
(10:52 PM) Thusness: it is regarding source...
(10:53 PM) Thusness: it is always regarding the subject...
(10:53 PM) AEN: ah yes wanted to write about the subject
(10:53 PM) AEN: then suddenly forgot
(10:53 PM) Thusness: it is advaita vedanta.
(10:53 PM) AEN: lol
(10:53 PM) AEN: icic
(10:53 PM) Thusness: all about sinking back to a source
(10:53 PM) Thusness: 2 stage is like non-dual and sunk back to a source.
(10:54 PM) Thusness: it is always the source...the Self, the background even if u fuse and merge into everything.
(10:54 PM) Thusness: get it?
(10:54 PM) AEN: yea
(10:54 PM) Thusness: what about 3 stage?
(10:54 PM) AEN: trying to get rid of the self to fuse?
(10:54 PM) Thusness: what is the problem?
(10:54 PM) AEN: the nature of awareness is not understood?
(10:55 PM) Thusness: nope....
(10:55 PM) Thusness: it is about bonds
(10:55 PM) AEN: icic
(10:55 PM) Thusness: the 13 yrs are all about understanding bonds...why is there sinking back to a source?
(10:55 PM) Thusness: so it takes 13 years to understand the impact of a bond....
(10:56 PM) Thusness: that is why i said most ppl underestimated the power of the bond.
(10:56 PM) AEN: oic..
(10:56 PM) Thusness: what about the 4th stage?
(10:56 PM) AEN: mirror bright?
(10:56 PM) AEN: awareness reflecting everything?
(10:57 PM) Thusness: yeah but what does not mean and what is the essence and what is the difference between 2 and 4?
(10:57 PM) AEN: stage 2 doesnt know awareness reflects everything every moment?
(10:57 PM) Thusness: nope...
(10:57 PM) AEN: only fusing?
(10:57 PM) AEN: oic
(10:57 PM) Thusness: it is the phenomenon...
(10:57 PM) Thusness: the stress is on phenomenon
(10:58 PM) Thusness: the experience is the 'Presence' but this time it is not "I AM", not "before birth who am i"
(10:58 PM) Thusness: it is the sound
(10:58 PM) Thusness: it is the taste
(10:58 PM) Thusness: it is the scenery
(10:58 PM) Thusness: get it?
(10:58 PM) AEN: yea
(10:58 PM) Thusness: the manifestations
(10:58 PM) AEN: actually stage 2 also rite
(10:58 PM) AEN: fusing
(10:58 PM) Thusness: no no...
(10:59 PM) Thusness: stage 2 is sinking back to a source
(10:59 PM) Thusness: the focus is the source
(10:59 PM) Thusness: get it?
(10:59 PM) AEN: oic then what about the fusing?
(10:59 PM) Thusness: the experience is always the same
(11:00 PM) Thusness: but the emphasis is diff
(11:00 PM) Thusness: 1 and 2 are always about the subject
(11:00 PM) AEN: oic
(11:00 PM) AEN: btw mirror still has a background isnt it?
(11:00 PM) Thusness: and in stage 2 is object merge into subject
(11:00 PM) Thusness: and stay in the subject which is the essence of hinduism
(11:01 PM) Thusness: stage 4 is on object...only on the object
(11:01 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:01 PM) Thusness: like the stage 1 of the source
(11:01 PM) Thusness: stage 5 is non-dual on the object, the background is gone
(11:01 PM) Thusness: it is subject into object
(11:01 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:02 PM) Thusness: only the phenomenon arising
(11:02 PM) AEN: ok but stage 4 u said only object already no subject?
(11:02 PM) Thusness: but stage 4 is like the stage 1 of vedanta
(11:02 PM) AEN: huh
(11:02 PM) Thusness: but this time it is on the object
(11:03 PM) AEN: then isnt it 'subject into object' of stage 5?
(11:03 PM) AEN: ok stage 4 is a background, but this time the background has everything in it?
(11:03 PM) Thusness: that is why i said it is like the stage 1 of "I AMness"
(11:04 PM) Thusness: it is the beginning of entering and realising the object aspect
(11:04 PM) Thusness: "I AMness" is the beginning of experiencing the subject aspect
(11:04 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:04 PM) AEN: icic
(11:04 PM) AEN: i mean whats the diff btwn stage 4 and 5 since its all on object
(11:05 PM) Thusness: stage 4 is the beginning...
(11:05 PM) Thusness: stage 5 is thoroughness
(11:05 PM) Thusness: that is there is realisation of the object
(11:05 PM) Thusness: and the clarity is on the phenomenon
(11:06 PM) Thusness: but the realisation of the non-dual nature of awareness is not there...
(11:06 PM) Thusness: that is there is clarity on the focus of object
(11:06 PM) Thusness: but there is still a background reflecting
(11:06 PM) Thusness: but there is not much sinking back to a source as focus has shifted to the clarity of the phenomenon
(11:07 PM) Thusness: but stage 5 is thorough, only the phenomenon
(11:07 PM) Thusness: the background is gone.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: mind/body drop
(11:07 PM) Thusness: clearly there awareness is the sunny sky, the mountains
(11:07 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:07 PM) AEN: yea
(11:08 PM) Thusness: stage 6 is the non local aspect of awareness and the oneness with conditions
(11:08 PM) Thusness: i called it the emptiness nature.
(11:08 PM) AEN: oic
(11:08 PM) Thusness: that is experiencing the interdependence as non-locality, not bounded in space and time
(11:09 PM) Thusness: this is the non local aspect of awareness
(11:09 PM) AEN: icic
(11:09 PM) Thusness: so all the 6 stages cover the initial experience of subject, the source
(11:10 PM) Thusness: then the non dual experience of subject-object but object into subject
(11:10 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:10 PM) Thusness: that is more like hinduism
(11:10 PM) Thusness: then 3 is the strength of the bond
(11:10 PM) Thusness: 4 is the break-through of presence in seeing phenomenon
(11:11 PM) Thusness: 5 is non-dual of our nature in subject into object
(11:11 PM) Thusness: 6 is non local aspect
(11:11 PM) Thusness: get it?
(11:11 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:11 PM) AEN: yea
(11:12 PM) Thusness: most ppl will go through these 6 stages when experiencing awareness
(6:48 PM) Thusness: slowly tell him about stage 1-2 first.
(6:49 PM) Thusness: 1 is to have a direct glimpse of awareness yet still being affected by the propensity of 'I'.
(6:50 PM) Thusness: stage 2 is an experience of its relationship of phenomena and still having the propensity.
(6:50 PM) Thusness: first these 2.
(6:51 PM) Thusness: As long as u caution him that it is not it, it is okie.
Session Start: Wednesday, March 12, 2008
(12:21 PM) AEN: yesterday i had a rather strange experience
(12:21 PM) AEN: quite difficult to describe
(12:22 PM) AEN: feels like fading out of existence... and forcefully 'absorbed' into the surroundings... a bit intense... like as if entering a different state of consciousness
(12:22 PM) AEN: but lasted for a while then returned
(12:23 PM) Thusness: hmm....not a good description.
(12:23 PM) AEN: ya i dunno how to describe
(12:23 PM) AEN: lol
(12:23 PM) AEN: but it was like more intense than the other day
(12:23 PM) Thusness: is there clarity?
(12:23 PM) AEN: ya i think so... just awareness as form
(12:24 PM) Thusness: did u sit?
(12:24 PM) AEN: ya i was sitting
(12:24 PM) Thusness: oh...u open ur eyes. :P
(12:24 PM) AEN: yea i opened my eyes cos i felt a bit tired
(12:24 PM) AEN: lol
(12:25 PM) Thusness: fading out of existence is not a good description then.
(12:25 PM) AEN: isit.. how come
(12:26 PM) Thusness: it is just personality dissolving.
(12:26 PM) AEN: ya i mean not becoming unconscious la
(12:26 PM) AEN: icic
(12:26 PM) Thusness: knowing that u r not body, mind but mere luminosity
(12:27 PM) Thusness: however this is not the body/mind dropped yet.
(12:27 PM) AEN: yea i had a feeling as if my body and mind is dissolving
(12:27 PM) AEN: but im not sure if tats the case
(12:27 PM) Thusness: yet u experienced vividness of forms.
(12:27 PM) AEN: ya
(12:27 PM) Thusness: this is like stage 2.
(12:28 PM) AEN: icic..
(12:28 PM) Thusness: u need to do more summary of what i said.
(12:28 PM) Thusness: about anatta.
(12:28 PM) Thusness: for now, u will not not understand the profound meaning of anatta and emptiness in terms of experience.
(12:28 PM) Thusness: it will only come many many years later.
(12:29 PM) Thusness: but it is sort of advaita vedanta experience.
(10:45 PM) Thusness: stage 1, 2 and 3 are advaita vedanta
(10:46 PM) Thusness: what u experienced is similar to ramana maharishi
(10:46 PM) Thusness: he went through the same question pretending that he is dead.
(10:47 PM) Thusness: a person undergoing stage 1 when he experiences stage 2, he might not know the difference.
(10:47 PM) AEN: how come
(10:47 PM) Thusness: there is no insight into it...
(10:47 PM) Thusness: because of propensities
(10:48 PM) Thusness: he might not be able to see the conditions
(10:48 PM) Thusness: so stage 1 is inner, stage 2 is outer
(10:49 PM) Thusness: but deep in these practitioners, the views are still dual.
(10:52 PM) Thusness: u must also be deeply aware of these tendencies and their strength to blind
(10:53 PM) Thusness: and that is what consciousness is all about.
(10:53 PM) Thusness: luminosity and tendencies and emptiness
(10:53 PM) Thusness: that is all.
(11:03 PM) Thusness: stage 4 is like stage 2 except with insight.
(11:03 PM) Thusness: the pathless is seen.
(11:03 PM) Thusness: it is no more like a stage...but the insight has no deep clarity.
(11:04 PM) Thusness: propensities need to dissolve to quite sufficiently to go into stage 5 as stated in the bahiya sutta.
(11:04 PM) AEN: eckhart tolle is like stage 4?
(11:04 PM) Thusness: that is a deeper insight.
(11:04 PM) AEN: oic
(11:04 PM) Thusness: don't ask me lah
(11:04 PM) AEN: lol
(11:04 PM) Thusness: to stage 2. :P
(11:04 PM) Thusness: but the strength of sustaining is strong.
(11:04 PM) Thusness: tony parsons is stage 4-5.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: jeff foster also.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: observer and observed as one is non-dual experience.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: stage 2 is non-dual.
(11:05 PM) Thusness: but there is no insight of no-self.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: insight is u know and understand the pathless path of no-self.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: u see it although it is pathless.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: u see the path.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: this is due to insight and therefore there is more permanent lucidity.
(11:06 PM) Thusness: stage 2 remains as a stage
(11:06 PM) Thusness: u don't know how to get it.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: don't know when it comes again.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: or the path towards it.
(11:07 PM) AEN: oic ya
(11:07 PM) AEN: haha
(11:07 PM) Thusness: longchen (sim pern chong) knows it.
(11:07 PM) Thusness: but needs to further refine it.
(11:08 PM) Thusness: but penetrating into the deeper depth of non-dual and into anatta.
(11:08 PM) Thusness: as stated in the bahiya sutta.
(11:08 PM) Thusness: then come emptiness.
(11:08 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:08 PM) Thusness: so u understand more about the various stages?
(11:09 PM) AEN: yea
(11:09 PM) Thusness: stage 1 can be very blissful too.
(11:09 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:09 PM) Thusness: when the meditative strength is there.
(11:09 PM) Thusness: but there is no understanding of the 'forms'
(11:09 PM) Thusness: only the pure sense of existence
(11:09 PM) Thusness: in thought realm.
(11:10 PM) Thusness: not in the 'forms'.
(11:10 PM) Thusness: u should know by now.
(11:10 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:10 PM) AEN: yea
(11:11 PM) Thusness: it is difficult for ppl who have no experience to know what i meant.
(11:11 PM) Thusness: but when u have experienced, u will know what i meant.
(6:08 PM) Thusness: yeah...first neither Kevala nor Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi is no-self.
(6:08 PM) AEN: ya
(6:08 PM) Thusness: there are 4 stages of I AMness. :)
(6:08 PM) AEN: 4th is mirror bright?
(6:08 PM) Thusness: nope
(6:08 PM) Thusness: means within I AMness
(6:09 PM) Thusness: there are 4 stages
(6:09 PM) AEN: oic..
(6:09 PM) AEN: wat are the 4 stages
(6:09 PM) Thusness: in 1 and 2
(6:09 PM) Thusness: first one u already know.
(6:09 PM) Thusness: one is I AM as an individual Self...
(6:09 PM) Thusness: one is I AM as an infinite self
(6:09 PM) Thusness: of the first stage.
(6:10 PM) Thusness: that i think longchen already told u and u asked me b4.
(6:10 PM) AEN: I AM of individual is like claudia? I AM of infinite is like what
(6:10 PM) AEN: ask u what
(6:10 PM) Thusness: that is within first stage.
(6:10 PM) Thusness: that is like what longchen told u.
(6:10 PM) AEN: when
(6:10 PM) Thusness: infinite bliss of "I AM"
(6:10 PM) Thusness: he told u when u met up with him.
(11:46 PM) Thusness: Does ken (Ken Wilber) talk about anatta
(11:46 PM) AEN: no
(11:47 PM) Thusness: Or Advaita sort of understanding
(11:47 PM) AEN: advaita (Ken Wilber is at Thusness Stage 4)
(11:47 PM) Thusness: Then y u kept asking me.
(11:47 PM) Thusness: What is anatta?
(11:48 PM) AEN: ya but wat i mean is nondual experience is not as in stage 2 type of passing experience, but as everpresent reality?
(11:48 PM) AEN: anatta is no agent and dependent origination?
(11:48 PM) Thusness: Didn't I tell u understanding non-dual experience as verb. (Soh: refer to my article The Wind is Blowing, Blowing is the Wind)
(11:48 PM) AEN: icic
(11:49 PM) Thusness: Not an entity that is independent and unchanging?
(11:49 PM) AEN: but ken wilber say "You are that, and there is no you – just this entire luminous display spontaneously arising moment to moment. The separate self is nowhere to be found."
(11:50 PM) AEN: *oic
(11:50 PM) Thusness: Non-dual experience is there is clarity of no separation (As in Thusness Stage 4)
(11:51 PM) Thusness: Stage 2 is there is merging
(11:51 PM) Thusness: As if I dissolved and merge..
(11:52 PM) Thusness: There r two, dual
(11:52 PM) Thusness: Non-dual is there never was a separation
(11:52 PM) Thusness: No split
(11:53 PM) Thusness: There is no separate I.
(11:53 PM) Thusness: But this awareness is still very much constant, permanent and unchanging
(11:54 PM) Thusness: Anatta goes further and understand exactly what is non-dual experience
(11:55 PM) Thusness: This is a break-through in insight
(11:55 PM) AEN: oic..
(11:55 PM) AEN: its about discerning it as DO?
(11:55 PM) Thusness: There is thinking, no thinker
(11:55 PM) Thusness: Seen no seer
(11:56 PM) Thusness: Sound no hearer
(11:56 PM) Thusness: Understood becoming no being
(11:57 PM) Thusness: Understand that object@
(11:57 PM) AEN: wat u mean
(11:59 PM) Thusness: Object/subject is the result of compartmentizing 'verb'
(11:59 PM) Thusness: Action
(11:59 PM) AEN: icic..
(11:59 PM) Thusness: Thinking becomes thinker and thoughts
(11:59 PM) Thusness: That is anatta
(12:00 AM) Thusness: It is the direct experience that there is no thinker, just thoughts
(12:01 AM) Thusness: In seeing, always only the seen.
(12:01 AM) AEN: is this wat u mean by nondual yet permanent (for ken wilber):
You are not the one who experiences liberation; you are the clearing, the opening, the emptiness, in which any experience comes and goes, like reflections on the mirror. And you are the mirror, the mirror mind, and not any experienced reflection. But you are not apart from the reflections, standing back and watching. You are everything that is arising moment to moment. You can swallow the whole cosmos in one gulp, it is so small, and you can taste the sky without moving an inch.
(12:01 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:03 AM) Thusness: Yes what I called desync of view and non-dual experience
(12:04 AM) Thusness: When insight arises, there is no desync
(12:05 AM) Thusness: Non-dual experience is clearly understood because there never was one.
(12:05 AM) Thusness: It is always only manifestation
(12:06 AM) AEN: there never was what?
(12:06 AM) Thusness: DO is the operation mechanism of the Transience
(12:06 AM) Thusness: A self
(12:10 AM) Thusness: It is very difficult to have such clarity
(12:11 AM) Thusness: Only Buddha has it
(12:12 AM) Thusness: Even buddhist practitioners have so much mis-conceptions
(12:12 AM) Thusness: They can't see how consistent and precise the teaching is
(12:13 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:14 AM) AEN: btw this is not yet nondual experience rite, more like I AM?:
(12:14 AM) AEN: "the world moves forward as it is..... but instead of seeing the diversity as the ulitmate the One underneath it all is rested in..... Like the ocean reality or maya is simply the surface waves of moving consciousness.... shakti which manifests the underlying Ocean of Consciousness into a limited visible form..... But what is beneath and around and within that form is simply the same consciousness which comprises the Whole of the Ocean.... But in the calm of the depths you know the vastness instead of the limited......"
(12:16 AM) Thusness: Yes
(12:17 AM) Thusness: Under the influence of the 'bond' without knowing it
(12:17 AM) Thusness: Stage 1 to 6 cannot be skipped
(12:17 AM) AEN: wat do u mean
(12:18 AM) Thusness: Best experienced that way.
(12:18 AM) Thusness: A practitioner cannot skip stages
(12:18 AM) AEN: but buddhist path skips some rite
(12:18 AM) AEN: like dharma dan never go through 'i am'
(12:18 AM) Thusness: Yes
(12:19 AM) Thusness: the depth of clarity will not be there
(12:19 AM) Thusness: Like grimnexus see 4 same as 5.
(12:20 AM) Thusness: But a person that undergone knows clearly.
(12:21 AM) AEN: ya he tot its the same
(12:21 AM) AEN: btw grimnexus at stage 4 rite
(12:21 AM) Thusness: Like ken and Ajahn amaro, seems the same but even Ajahn Amaro thought it is the same.
(12:21 AM) AEN: long time nv see him online liao, he like never came online for many months
(12:21 AM) AEN: oic
(12:21 AM) Thusness: Why u worry so much abt others ppl stage?
(12:22 AM) AEN: lol
(12:23 AM) Thusness: Rather pray hard that u will not be misled and go through countless lives of rebirth again
(12:23 AM) Thusness: What u must have is to correctly discern
(12:25 AM) Thusness: If u want to hv clarity of the essence of the six phases, discern and understand correctly.
(12:25 AM) Thusness: What if I m no more around?
(12:26 AM) Thusness: If Ajahn Amaro cannot know the diff, much less is others
(12:26 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:26 AM) AEN: dharma dan leh
(12:26 AM) Thusness: Rather ask urself have u correctly understood then abt others
(12:27 AM) Thusness: How I know?
(12:27 AM) Thusness: U kept asking abt others, I worry more abt u.
(12:28 AM) Thusness: If u know, u will be able to know r they there.
(12:29 AM) Thusness: Like ken and Ajahn Amaro clearly have same experience but different understanding
(12:29 AM) Thusness: David loy treat them the same too.
(12:29 AM) Thusness: Not realizing the differences
(12:30 AM) Thusness: So have the right understanding
(12:31 AM) Thusness: One is abiding, the other is non-abiding
(12:32 AM) Thusness: One is still efforting, the other is effortless
(12:33 AM) Thusness: One is Brahman, the other is DO
(12:34 AM) Thusness: One is mirror, the other is pure manifestation
(12:36 AM) Thusness: 'Self' is grasped unknowingly because it is independent, changeless
(12:36 AM) Thusness: Therefore they can't treasure the Transience
(12:37 AM) Thusness: They can't c conditions
(12:37 AM) Thusness: The Transience and conditions are most sacred
(12:38 AM) Thusness: How can Self c this?
(12:39 AM) Thusness: But one must know the emptiness nature of Transience, unfindable and ungraspable
(12:39 AM) Thusness: And rises when condition is
(12:40 AM) Thusness: When we say attributes, we r referring to the empty nature of awareness
(12:41 AM) AEN: wat u mean
(12:41 AM) Thusness: But awareness is full of colors
(12:41 AM) AEN: u mean attributelessness?
(12:41 AM) AEN: icic
(12:41 AM) Thusness: Like 'redness' of a flower
(12:42 AM) Thusness: But to advaitins, it is absence
(12:42 AM) Thusness: Nothing to do with awareness
(12:43 AM) AEN: u mean they see awareness as formless?
(12:43 AM) Thusness: yes
(12:44 AM) Thusness: Means absence of attributes as colorless, formless
(12:44 AM) Thusness: But what buddhism is referring is its emptiness nature
(12:45 AM) Thusness: Not that there is a real formless entity
(12:45 AM) Thusness: Awareness is appearances appearing when condition is
(12:46 AM) AEN: icic..
(12:46 AM) Thusness: awareness is not free of thoughts
(12:46 AM) Thusness: To advaitins, it is.
(12:47 AM) Thusness: To buddhist practitioner, thought is awareness
(12:48 AM) Thusness: One thought arises
(12:48 AM) Thusness: Next one
(12:48 AM) Thusness: Like what Ajahn Amaro said
(12:48 AM) Thusness: There is no worry abt no thought, no conceptuality
(12:49 AM) Thusness: All will be experienced in their most vivid forms
(12:49 AM) Thusness: I got to go now.
(12:49 AM) AEN: oic..
(12:49 AM) AEN: ok gd nite
(12:49 AM) Thusness: Nite
(10:11 PM) Thusness: 1-2 are non dual experience
(10:11 PM) Thusness: 3 is dropping
(10:12 PM) Thusness: 5-6 is non-dual insight
(2:01 PM) AEN: btw i dun really understand. is john wheeler's realisation about impersonality or is it about no-self and whats the diff
(2:21 PM) Thusness: John wheeler realized certain aspect of no-self
(2:21 PM) Thusness: Not anatta but close to phase 4
(2:22 PM) Thusness: The sense of dualism is still there
(2:22 PM) Thusness: Because he will not be able to integrate the transient
(2:23 PM) Thusness: He can however realize he is lived by a greater life
(2:24 PM) AEN: icic.. is that what u mean by feeling God
(2:24 PM) Thusness: All manifestations is the doing of this One life
(2:24 PM) AEN: oic..
(2:25 PM) AEN: eckhart tolle said "Many expressions that are in common usage, and sometimes the structure of language itself, reveal the fact that people don't know who they are. You say: "He lost his life" or "my life," as if life were something that you can possess or lose. The truth is: you don't have a life, you are life. The One Life, the one consciousness that pervades the entire universe and takes temporary form to experience itself as a stone or blade of grass, as an animal, a person, a star or a galaxy.
Can you sense deep within that you already know that? Can you sense that you already are That?"
(2:25 PM) Thusness: This One Life is same to u as well as me.
(2:26 PM) Thusness: This is a very subtle extrapolation
(2:27 PM) Thusness: But experientially it does appears so
(2:28 PM) Thusness: It has a lot to do with the spontaneous arising and impersonality (deconstruction of personality)
(2:29 PM) AEN: oic..
(2:31 PM) Thusness: Therefore when one focus and refine the 4 aspects i spoke abt without even arising the insight of non-dual, one can still lead to such an experience
This is stage 2
(2:31 PM) Thusness: Get it?
(2:31 PM) AEN: ya think so
(2:32 PM) AEN: so stage 2 is related to impersonality?
(2:33 PM) Thusness: Further to that one will want to penetrate into 3.
(2:34 PM) AEN: oic..
(2:34 PM) Thusness: Re-read phase one to 3
(2:34 PM) AEN: ok
(2:35 PM) Thusness: Phase 4 is strictly non-dual
(2:35 PM) Thusness: Though non-dual still having inherent view
(2:37 PM) Thusness: So a practitioner still does not see the truth of the relative
The absolute still seem special
(2:37 PM) AEN: icic..
(2:38 PM) Thusness: That is One Mind
(2:40 PM) AEN: The "vision" of truth appears new because it was not noticed before. Whatever we are and the world is, is already the fact. There is no attainment involved in being what you are. That is the constant space of life, awareness or being in which all appears. It includes silence and sound, activity and stillness, form and emptiness, knowledge and ignorance, and all other dualities and opposites. Your natural condition is not a state within the appearances but the spacious heart of reality which contains and embraces them all. It is like a bright mirror in which diverse reflections rise and set. The mirror remains as it is and bears no relation to the presence or absence of its reflections. The mirror cannot be limited by or identified with any of the reflections appearing in it, nor does it grasp or resist them. For their part, the reflections have no substance or independent nature apart from the mirror. In the same way, all that is, was or ever will be is contained in the timeless light of your true nature. The strange and wonderful thing is that this has always been so.
If this is not noticed, it gets pointed out and recognized, and the true perspective is restored. It is as simple as that. - john wheeler
this is like One Mind?
(2:47 PM) Thusness: In phase 4, a practitioner will be obsessed with this substratum in a non-dual context.
(2:51 PM) Thusness: U must understand phase 5-7 is refining the insight of the same experience of 4
(2:56 PM) Thusness: U so clearly see that non-dual is implicit as there never is any agent apart from the ongoing phenomenality
(2:57 PM) Thusness: Then u realized the true meaning of anatta and emptiness
(2:57 PM) Thusness: And move from disassociation to self liberation
(3:00 PM) Thusness: Seems like talking to different practitioners help u understand the 7 phases but don't make it as an absolute model.
2014, on Stage 2:
It is bringing this I M into everything. I M the I in u. The I in the cat, the I in the bird. I M the first person in everyone and Everything. I.
John TanFriday, February 21, 2014 at 9:36pm UTC+08
I m the phase.
John TanFriday, February 21, 2014 at 9:36pm UTC+08
That is my second phase.
John TanFriday, February 21, 2014 at 9:37pm UTC+08
That the I is ultimate and universal.